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Incident No: 15 2019

Date: 2 March 2019
Time: 19.44hrs
Location: Harthope Valley near Wooler

Two walkers and their dog reported themselves ‘lost’ in The Cheviots whilst trying to walk back to their vehicle which was parked in the Harthope valley. They had been ‘lost’ for some time. #PhoneFind was used to try to locate the walkers and our Duty Controller rang the walkers but unfortunately by this time they’d moved location and were out of mobile reception.

North of Tyne Mountain Rescue Team and ourselves swiftly deployed a hasty team of four members and a Mountain Rescue search dog. A blue light response vehicle with a further two members was also mobilised.

Thankfully with relatively clear skies the walkers had managed to find their way down to a track near Langleeford Farm where they were located by Northumbria Police officers as the hasty team arrived at the RVP.

The walkers had struggled to find their way off the hill as unfortunately they had no torches. While we will always turn out for those in need, this particular incident was avoidable. Could we ask our followers, however, not to criticise the walkers as this could have happened to the most experienced of us and we hope that the walkers have learnt from their experience.

Please can we remind all walkers to go well equipped for the conditions and particularly during the winter months to carry a torch and a spare one too.

The incident involved 9 Team members for 1 hour 15 minutes. A further 9 members were on standby throughout.

#planahead #goprepared #takeatorch #staysafe


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Incident No: 12 2019

Date: 9 February 2019
Time: 16.32 hrs
Location: Harthope Valley, near Wooler

A lone female walker reported herself lost in The Cheviots in Northumberland National Park. Limited information on her whereabouts was available to Northumbria Police and our Duty Controller as the 999 call had dropped out due to poor mobile reception. The mobile was, however, traced to a location between Langleeford and Langleeford Hope in the Harthope Valley near Wooler.

Our Duty Controller swiftly sent a PhoneFind text and follow up text to the female’s mobile prior to contacting the Police control room. As he was liaising with the Police, news came in that the female had been located, safe and well, near to Langleeford.

A good, swift outcome for all concerned meaning our members and North of Tyne Mountain Rescue Team‘s could enjoy their Saturday evening.

The incident involved 2 Team members for 14 minutes.


#team999 #mountainrescue #volunteers

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Incident No: 98 2018

Incident No: 98
Date: 7 July 2018
Time: 14.25 hrs
Location: Harthope Valley and Wooler Youth Hostel and Shepherds’ Huts

On Saturday the Team provided rescue and medical cover for the 2018 Chevy Chase. This challenging fell race through the stunning Cheviot Hills attracts some 300 runners each run.

Whilst it doesn’t look like it from the photograph, the weather was very hot especially for those looking to complete the 22 miles of the race. All the runners heeded the preventative advice for heat exhaustion and heat stroke, but nevertheless the Team’s medics had to deal with a couple of competitors suffering from heat exhaustion. They also had to deal with a retiree from the race who was suffering from a probable sprained ankle.

Thanks to the North East Ambulance Service Community Paramedic from Wooler for their assistance too.

By the end of the day all competitors were accounted for and those we treated were given advice should their condition worsen. All in a days’s work!

We’re glad everyone had a great day and many were able to enjoy England’s win over Sweden. #ItsComingHome

The incident involved 4 Team members for 3 hours 45 minutes.


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Incident No: 64 2017

Date: 10 December
Time: 11.58hrs
Location: Auchope Cairn, College Valley

The third incident this week led to the Team being deployed to the College Valley. A relative of a walker reported that they had been tracking the walker’s phone and indicated that the ‘phone ping’ had remained in the same location for 24 hours. She was clearly concerned for the walker’s wellbeing and contact was duly made with the Police.

Northumbria Police activated North of Tyne MRT and ourselves just before midday on Sunday. As we went to standby and the National Police Air Support service attended, a hasty party of local Team members was despatched to the College valley. Two vehicles were also despatched in support.

Soon after it was decided to call out the full team as we were uncertain NPAS could reach the location of the ‘phone ping’ due to cloud lying over The Cheviot. The Teams were to RV in Wooler to give us the option of deploying search groups from Wooler Common, Harthope valley and College valley.

Border Search & Rescue Unit were also placed on standby.

Unfortunately (or fortunately!) not long after the callout message it became apparent that our missing walker had more than likely spent the night at the Mounthooly bunkhouse and had left in the morning, fit and well. Once this information was confirmed, the majority of Team members were stood down.

The hasty party was requested by the Police to conduct a limited search in and around the location of the ‘phone ping’, which by now had been confirmed as being on the northerly slope of Auchope Cairn, just below the summit. After a hasty search of the lower to mid section of the Hen Hole and the route from Auchope shelter to Auchope Cairn had been conducted, with nothing found, the hasty party headed back to our Land Rover in the valley. Soon after it was confirmed that the walker had returned to Mounthooly having walked to Windy Gyle and back, totally oblivious about what had been going on.

A well meaning incident. Thankfully nobody was at risk and the walker was accounted for at the end of the day.

We’d like to thank, once again, the College Valley Estate for their assistance.

The incident involved 8 Team members for 6 hours 30 minutes. Another 16 members were en-route to Wooler when they were stood down.


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Incident No: 34 2017

Date: 27 July 2017
Time: 15.40hrs
Location: The Cheviot

The busy period continues with another incident yesterday afternoon. A walker fell on the flag stones near the summit of The Cheviot and sustained a head injury. His companion provided immediate first aid and requested the assistance of Mountain Rescue.

Northumbria Police contacted North of Tyne Mountain Rescue Team and ourselves, and our Duty Controller swiftly called out the Teams. Contact was also made with the casualty’s companion to assess the severity of the injuries.

As our Team Land Rover and members were en-route to the Harthope Valley, a local member headed up the hill to assess the situation. He was then followed by other Team members carrying a stretcher, casualty bag, group shelter, oxygen and other medical kit. Thankfully after the initial assessment it was felt that the casualty could walk off the hill with support. It would have been a very long stretcher carry off otherwise.

After medical attention and being warmed, a 3km supported walk down the hill and a short Landrover ride later, saw us hand over the casualty to the North East Ambulance Service.

We wish the walker a swift recovery not least because the accident happened on their first walk of a holiday to Northumberland. Not the way either of the walkers had hoped their day would end.


The incident involved 18 Team members for 5 hours.


Please like and share to raise awareness of the work of the voluntary Mountain Rescue Teams.

Everyone in good spirits at the casualty site near the summit of The Cheviot
Walking off the casualty with support from Team members
Just over another kilometre to go
Final descent to the waiting Land Rover
A welcome sight just above the Harthope Valley
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Incident No: 21 2017

Date: 17 June 2017
Time: 18.14hrs
Location: Pennine Way, near Windy Gyle

On Saturday early evening, Border Search & Rescue Unit alerted the Team and North of Tyne Mountain Rescue Team to an incident on the Pennine Way.

A group of 10 walkers had set off earlier in the day from near to Wooler to cover a route of over 20 miles as part of a fundraising effort for charity. The group had split in two during the day and two walkers in one group of five were suffering from dehydration and exhaustion.

As the walkers were technically in our operational area and given the nature of their condition, our Incident Officer agreed with Border Search & Rescue Unit that they would deploy members from the north to the Border ridge. The two walkers and the other three in the group were eventually reunited at Cocklawfoot where the Scottish Ambulance Service assessed the two casualties.

Our Incident Officer provided remote support to the incident and liaised with Northumbria Police to determine whether the other five walkers had safely made it off the hill. A hasty team also stood by in case additional support was required.

All members of the group were confirmed to be safely off the hill at 22.27hrs.


The incident involved 4 Team members for 2 hours 13 minutes.

Please like and share to raise awareness of the important role of the volunteer Mountain Rescue Teams.

Mountain Rescue

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Incident No: 17 2017

Date: 12 May 2017
Time: 18.42hrs
Location: Cold Law, Cheviot Hills

A male walker in his late 60s was reported lost in thick mist in The Cheviot Hills yesterday evening. Northumbria Police swiftly requested our and North of Tyne Mountain Rescue Team’s assistance.

Having received details from the Police, our Incident Officer sent a SARLOC message to the walker’s phone. Unfortunately this failed. Thankfully the Incident Officer was able to speak to the walker on his mobile and from the information provided was able to identify a likely location.

The walker who was well equipped was asked to remain at his location whilst the Teams’ 4x4s were deployed to search the prioritised routes. The rest of the Team members were place on standby.

Shortly before 20.00hrs the walker was located to the north of Cold Law above the Harthope valley. He was tired and a bit cold but otherwise okay. He was transported to Wooler, his intended finishing point having started from Kirk Yetholm earlier in the day.

He had walked along the Pennine Way to The Cheviot, descended to Scald Hill and the over to Broadhope Hill before becoming disoriented in the thick mist. A big day out even without the ordeal at the end.

A good result!

The incident involved 11 Team members for 2 hours 20 minutes.


Please like and share to raise awareness of the work we do.

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Incident No: 11 2017

Date: 7 March 2017
Time: 14.51hrs
Location: Harthope Valley, near Wooler

Mid-afternoon yesterday the Team and North of Tyne MRT were requested by Northumbria Police to assist with the rescue of a female walker. The female had fallen and sustained a lower arm injury. The exact location was unknown but was believed to be on the footpath between Langleeford Farm and Scotsman Knowe.

The female’s husband raised the alarm having walked downstream to the nearest inhabited farmhouse at Langleeford.

Two Landrover ambulances were swiftly despatched whilst our Incident Officer travelled directly to the scene. Thankfully enroute the Teams were notified that a North East Ambulance Service Paramedic from Wooler had been able to access the female’s location just upstream of Langleeford Hope. The Paramedic was able to walk the casualty back to their vehicle and the Teams were stood down.


The incident involved 11 Team members for 1 hour.


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*** Incident No.45 ***

Saturday 27 August 2016, 19.13hrs

Northumbria Police contacted North of Tyne Mountain Rescue Team and ourselves on Saturday evening having received a report from two walkers saying they were lost in the Cheviot Hills. Little information was available as to the walkers intended route, other than they had started near Wooler.

One of Incident Controllers spoke to the walkers and ascertained that they roughly knew where they were. We then successfully used SARLOC – a SMS location App – to pin point the walkers’ location. They were on the south east side of Hedgehope Hill, on the edge of Threestoneburn Wood (or at least where the wood was!).

Guidance was then provided to the walkers by phone and SARLOC was used to ensure they were heading in the right direction – see photo. The walkers were confident in being able to walk off the hill themselves and evenutally arrived back in the Harthope Valley, where they had started by 21.40hrs and were met b Police officers.

Great use of technology which meant we didn’t need to leave the house!

The incident involved 4 members for 2.5 hours.


Please like and share to help raise awareness of the work done by volunteer Mountain Rescue Teams.

— in Wooler, Northumberland.


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*** Incident No.16 ***

Wednesday 27 April, 20.26hrs

Yesterday evening Northumbria Police requested the Team’s assistance to locate a group of partially sighted walkers overdue in the Harthope valley near Wooler. A total of 19 walkers including their sighted guides were well over four hours late for their transport back to Wooler. They had set out to climb The Cheviot and return to the valley over Cairn Hill and Scotsman Knowe.

Given the wintery conditions on the hills, members from our Team and North of Tyne MRT were activated immediately. An advanced party, including two of our Incident Controllers, were on scene very quickly whilst the Team Landrovers and other members travelled to Langleeford farm.

On arrival at the farm, one of our Incident Controllers ascertained that all the walkers had managed to find their way safely off the hill. Other than being very tired from their long day, all the walkers were well.

A good outcome for all concerned. We hope they enjoyed their well deserved meal in the Red Lion!

A total of 21 Team members were involved for 1.5 hours.
