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Incident No: 02 2019

Date: 9 January 2019
Time: 04.22hrs
Location: Newcastle area

The joint controller group for North of Tyne Mountain Rescue Team and ourselves were woken in the early hours of Wednesday morning with a request for assistance from Northumbria Police. The Duty Controller swiftly responded and used PhoneFind, our location tool, to try to identify the location of a vulnerable missing female in the Newcastle area.

Whilst the missing person did not respond to the location tool text, they were located a couple of hours later.

The incident involved 1 Team member for 2 hours.

#NNPMRTincidents2019 #somuchmorethanmountains #montainrescue#volunteers

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Incident No: 01 2019

Date: 5 January 2018
Time: 23.22hrs
Location: Walker, Newcastle

Late last night Northumbria Police requested the assistance of North of Tyne Mountain Rescue Team and ourselves. A male in his 40s had been reported missing from home in the Walker area of Newcastle. Given the concern for the man’s wellbeing, the Teams were immediately called out.

As the Police Search Adviser and our Incident Officer were planning the search and members were arriving at Walker Riverside Park, a member of the public reported seeing the man. Very soon after the man was located by Police officers. A very positive and swift outcome for the first incident of the year.

The Teams were stood down at 01.15hrs and everyone was back in bed by 02.30hrs!

The incident involved 15 members for 3 hours.


#mountainrescue #volunteers #JESIP #team999 #somuchmorethanmountains

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Incident No: 86 2018

Date: 26 May 2018
Time: 20.33 hrs
Location: Newcastle area

Yesterday evening our Duty Controller responded to a request from Northumbria Police. On behalf of North of Tyne MRT and ourselves, the Duty Controller used #SARLOC and #PhoneFind in an attempt to locate a high risk missing person. No response was received.

No further action was required by the Mountain Rescue Teams.

The incident involved 1 Team member for 1 hour 20 minutes.


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Incident No: 06 2017

Date: 09 February 2017
Time: 00.45hrs
Location: Westerhope

The Team was alerted in the early hours of this morning by Northumbria Police to assist in the search for a vulnerable male in his early 90s from the Westerhope area of Newcastle. He had been last seen at 12.30pm yesterday leaving his house by a neighbour.

Along with North of Tyne Mountain Rescue Team, we coordinated an initial limited response. Our search and rescue dog and handler, and one search group were to focus on high priority wooded areas and linear routes. The groups were to work alongside a Police cadaver dog and other resources on the ground. The Police helicopter had already overflown the area.

As the search groups were being deployed the misper was thankfully found, safe and well, in the centre of Newcastle.

The incident involved 7 Team members for 3 hours 30 minutes.


Please like and share to raise awareness of the valuable work we do

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*** Incident No.59 ***

In the early hours of this morning the Team alongside North of Tyne MRT was requested by Northumbria Police to assist in a search near to Newcastle. A high risk male in his early 20s had been reported missing.

Whilst the full teams did not need to be deployed, the incident controllers were involved for a couple of hours and stood down when the misper was located by Police resources.

This incident marks another record for the year. The Team has now surpassed the total number of incidents for its record breaking year in 2015.

The incident incident 2 members for 2 hours 21 minutes.


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*** Incident No.27 ***

Wednesday 15 June, 04.46hrs

A short lived incident! The Team alongside North of Tyne MRT were contacted by Northumbria Police in the early hours of this morning to assist in the search for a high risk missing male. The male was believed to be in the Westerhope area of Newcastle.

As one of our Incident Controllers was speaking to the Police Search Adviser, the missing person was located close to his last known point.

Those of us who had been woken by the alert then went back to sleep.

The incident involved one member for 10 minutes.


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*** Incident No.10 ***

Sunday 14 February 2016, 01.28hrs

Northumbria Police requested our assistance to help in the search for missing Newcastle woman, Margaret MacDermott.

Margaret was last seen at her home on Bolbec Road in Fenham on Friday evening. Her car was found parked on Broad Chare on Newcastle Quayside, and we undertook a search of the surrounding areas.

If you have seen Margaret, or have any information about where she may be, then please contact police on 101 quoting reference 782 13/02/16.

The Team stood down at 05.29hrs


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*** Incident No.17 ***

Having stood down from the Consett incident, the Team along with North of Tyne Mountain Rescue Team was called to a fallen climber at Shaftoe Crags near Bolam Lake. The casualty was stabilised by Team member, who is also a NEAS Paramedic, before being carried to the helicopter from RAF Boulmer. All being well the climber will make a full recovery after an examination at the RVI, Newcastle.

Northumbria Police, Northumberland Fire & Rescue Service and the North East Ambulance Service was also involved.

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