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Kielder 4×4 Safari Booking Dates For 2016


If you are interested in joining us on any of the dates below you can make a booking by clicking on the links below.

Sunday April 3rd 2016 Kielder 4×4 Safari

Saturday May 14th 2016 4×4 Safari

Sunday June 12th 2016 4×4 Safari

Saturday July 30th 2016 4×4 Safari

Sunday September 11th 2016 4×4 Safari

Saturday October 15th 2016 4×4 Safari

Saturday December 3rd 2016 4×4 Safari

The cost is £60 per vehicle and this includes a cooked breakfast* for the driver.


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Kielder Safari December 2013

A selection of photos from out last 4×4 Safari of 2013

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Kielder 4×4 Safari April 2013 Event Report

April’s event started with a welcome return to The Duke’s Pantry at Kielder Castle for breakfast and sorting paperwork, the Mountain Rescue team also brought their brand new vehicle with them to show off to the the capacity entry for the Safari. By taking part in the Kielder 4×4 Safari you have helped towards the huge cost of buying and equipping the new vehicle, and the Mountain Rescue Team would like to thank all those who support our event and those who support the Team directly as without your support they would not be able to operate.

Making a début on this event also was Kielder 4×4 Safari’s new (to us) support vehicle, the white Land Rover Defender 110 has been retired from an active serving Mountain Rescue vehicle and will now be used by the Safari as a support vehicle on events and also keep an eye out for it at some of the local shows in the summer where we will be doing more fund raising.

As we were fully booked for the event we had to split the cars into two groups, which meant two convoys, each doing a separate route, then meeting up at the Dam at lunchtime and then the convoys switched routes in the afternoon. We had a mixture of surfaces to deal with, from the snow on the higher ground, some muddy trails and we even had to contend with dust on convoy two’s run back to the castle.

We had quite a few new faces on this event and from talking to people at the end everybody seems to have enjoyed themselves and we would love to welcome you back at a future event, this welcome of course is also extended to our regular visitors, some of who have supported us for a long time.

If this sounds like something you would like to experience then why not head over to our bookings page and sign up for the next Safari on Saturday 18th May 2013

If you require any further information please don’t hesitate to get in touch, you can find our details on the Contact Page

The Kielder 4×4 Safari proceeds go to Northumberland National Park Mountain Rescue Team. Registered Charity 511313.


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Kielder 4×4 Safari January 2013 Event Report

The first Kielder 4×4 Safari of 2013 took place yesterday in a very cold and snowy Kielder Forest in Northumberland. With the Dukes Pantry closed for refurbishment we met for breakfast and signing on at The Boe Rigg just outside Bellingham. Once everybody was fed and the briefing had taken place we headed off into the forest, with about a dozen cars in the convoy, because the Safari has access to tracks not normally available to the public we were literally creating our own tracks in the virgin snow! At times Ian in the lead car had difficulty knowing where the track was so we had to proceed with caution but luckily we made it through the morning session without incident and headed back to Kielder Castle for lunch.

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